8 Ways to get More Response With Facebook Groups; plus 3 Freebies!

We all join various Facebook groups for many reasons but mainly they are self-serving; to get more “love”, information, sales, and/or members in our opportunity, etc. This is understandable however, it doesn’t work. Simply “stating your need or want” as a post or awesome looking ad and expecting people to race to you and “sign up” is very unlikely; as they are probably thinking the same way. Social media isn’t like creating a flyer and posting it at your local laundry mat and having people rip off a pull tab and “maybe” get back to you. A Facebook group is a “social” site, and even though you may be in a group that promotes say, online business opportunities; you still need to be “social”.  

Here are a few of my thoughts to get people to notice you and your “need or want”.

The first step in getting “social” and ultimately getting noticed and more response from your participation in any Facebook group is to put others first; just as it’s like in any area of life. Zig Ziglar told us that “We’ll get what we want when we help enough other people get what they want”. Add value in any thing you do and anywhere you go; and that includes the Facebook group where you are a member.

Post your comments on other people’s posts. Before you think, “Duh” tell me something I don’t know let me ask you, “When was the last time you did so?” “How often do you comment on other posts?” “What is the ratio of your commenting on other posts with the number of times you post your own?” These are good questions I think and at least good reminders; would you agree?

My suggestion is to comment on one or two different posts a day and keep track of whose you’ve posted on (I use an excel file and a calendar) to come back to do so again in a week or two (depending on the number of members in a group) and in this way you are building a relationship.

Be genuine and sincere in your comments. Not every post will offer something that interests you or that you can or should become involved with, but behind every post is a real person who is reaching out with their “want and need”. Just wishing them success or offering something such as a tip or link to an informational article or freebie in your comments might just be the encouragement they need that day.

When someone comments on your post; comment back. Again, this may be “common sense” but a very wise business person, Dexter Yager told me that “Common Sense isn’t so common”. A sincere “thank you” goes a long way.

Post often but don’t always ask for the sale or always be selling things. Give things away. Always be on the lookout for things on the Internet that you can use as your own and offer to your Facebook members. You could give away samples of your product yes; but give away things such as free reports, coaching and digital things that are really of value that can make the person’s life and business better. (I will share 3 things that I offer at the end of this article; and all three are free to you as my “thank you” for reading; and sharing, this article).

Use attractive photos and proper grammar in your posts. No one likes to look at a post that doesn’t look interesting or doesn’t read well. If you need help with that; get help. Usually your company has pics and ad copy that you can and should use.

And finally, keep your posts short and friendly. You don’t “have all day” to enter your posts and members don’t “have all day” to read them; remember again that they are a member for the same reason that you are; to get people to read their posts!

I will take my own advice from my last tip and close this article. 

Briefly, remember to:

1.      Put the other member and his or her needs (posts) before you and yours.
2.      Regularly comment on other’s posts; keep track.
3.      Consistently comment on a set number of posts per day; every day.
4.      Be genuine and sincere with your comments.
5.      Reply when someone comments on your post.
6.      Don’t always be “selling” be “giving”.
7.      Use attractive photos and do a quick edit of your words before you click “post”.
8.      Keep your posts short and friendly.

I’m sure that you can add your own ideas to this list and I welcome them in the comments below.

As promised, here are the 3 things that I usually share from time to time in my Facebook posts that have real value and you can use them immediately. Also, you can also add them to what you offer free in your own posts; just ask me how.

Your FREE Loyalty Merchant Shopping Card that puts Cash Back in people’s pocket (actually their bank account; yeah, it’s real money) every time they use it when they purchase stuff they already buy like groceries, gas, clothes, dining, etc. etc. CLICK HERE to request your digital card and also ask how to be able to offer the card to others.

This is your FREE Book of the Day Club and it is “push button” easy to give these books away; because they really are free! I like to offer them one time a week such as a Monday so people are not inundated with the same thing every day. CLICK HERE to get today's free book and you’ll also see how to join me in giving free books away by watching a very cool video by my partner in the business.

Your FREE (Save up to 90% on Prescriptions) RX CARD. This is my favorite because it doesn’t cost you a cent to join and give these cards away (so I encourage you to ask me by CLICKING HERE and stating in my response “inquiry” form that you want to join the CareRx program). You give these discount cards away and people take them to their local pharmacy and save up to 90%. This is absolutely real and I could share many testimonies where people have been overwhelmed to tears because they were able to save so much when they did not have the money for prescriptions. The picture shown below is your actual card. Just print it, cut it out and put clear tape over it and use it at places like Walmart, CVS, Walgreens and others. If you have questions, call the number on the card. If you want to give cards away, CLICK HERE.

I trust that I’ve added value to your day and your life with this article. And from now on I predict that you’ll have greater success as you build relationships in your Facebook group and in return have greater success in having your “want and need” fulfilled as well.

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!

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