My Top 9 "How to Make Money" YouTube Videos

My readers (and students) who are involved in my Free course are following my own journal here. I find videos of my interest and then rate them per my interests and other criteria; which is meant to be an example of how they should rate videos in their journal that they keep in their 30 day adventure. 

Day 13 in our YouTube Classroom Course Journal

Good day dear reader and student! Many of you have been diligent and have been getting to your daily 30 minute YouTube classes every day with no days between; congrats! Your instructor (yours truly) has let some days lapse but I will certainly get through my full 30 days of learning before I consider any course of direction as to what opportunities I will invest my time and money in. If you have the same type of schedule I have and cannot make your training one day after each other stretching your 30 days out for several months, I understand; just be sure to always come back and finish your 30 days. Secondly understand too that YouTube is not “static”. The videos you’ve watched will move up in ratings and passed by others who will rank higher and when you go back to your “favorite” videos after 30 days you’ll find some are no longer available; that will tell you something. Reputable business opportunities will certainly last out these 30 days of our time of research. 

If you are not gleaning this awesome YouTube Classroom education with the rest of us, I invite you to join us. This is  totally free for you to get the system. Visit:

When I’ve completed my 30 day journal, I will edit it and add it to the system, and charge about $99 for the program. Students who are with me now will be offered the program for a substantial discount.

And as always, I will give a few things away at the end of today’s journal entry so read on.

I set the 30 minute timer, open YouTube and type in “How to Make Money” without quotes and scroll beyond videos I’ve already watched and come to:

First I see a couple of paid ads. Although they look interesting, these are not the videos I’m looking for. I scroll down the page, and keep clicking “next” to pass the videos I’ve watched to something that I haven’t seen yet.

One day ago and almost 25K views; looks interesting: 3 Top Secret Ways to Make Money on YouTube; could just be the title? She receives some “poor” ratings in the comments but it is good basic information. I would recommend taking notes and use them. My rating 3 out of 5. Click the back arrow and start forward again.

How I make money. Less than 1 week up on YouTube and over 67K views. He mentions “blogs” so he uses his YouTube videos in his blogs. Interesting that he is sitting by a mirror. Very conversational; again interesting. I will revisit this and listen while reading my email; etc. I’m sure there are a few tips I can get from this guy. He seems intelligent, artilculate and will continue to succeed. Rating 3 out of 5 (because the theme is “making money”).

OK; 6 Creative Ways to Make Money- less than a week up and has over 28K views. Good intro, sincere. Oh no, is this for teens; hope I can get something from this? OK, sell on eBay. Sell you hair on buy and sell your Take photos and email travel companies; want to buy them? Review songs. This is interesting. Worth watching. 4 out of 5. How to Make More Money (Meaningfully)

This is more of an inspirational video. I rate it 5 out of 5 to listen to while doing something else on my computer to “piggyback” my time. Great camera angles, black and white instead of color, check it out.

I had to pass a lot of videos because of my experience in my pass days of my YouTube journey has already taught me that they are not of interest to me.

This one has great tips for people who will choose to use eBay as their business opportunity after gthese 30 days. HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON EBAY: Tips for the casual seller. Rate 4 out of 5.

How to make money on eBay & Amazon - orders going out today 20K views in one year.

I like how he is showing what’s going out today. I’m not sure how I can use this information; especially as this is now over a year old. It’s probably of some value to my readers, but I’m moving on. Alex Ikonn - How To Make Money $$$

This is over an hour so I definitely will come back and watch this while I’m cleaning my email and other computer chores. Great tips from just by doing a quick skim for my YouTube classroom day. Rating 6 out of 5. (Crazy math). $1,000 A Week... Make Money Fast Online Drawing

Being an artist and photographer the headline got my interest. Wow, it would be so easy for me to go against my “rule” of not clicking on the link and also continuing watching more videos with this theme before completing my 30 days. This speaker was concise, convincing and to the point (I guess I already said “concise”). I give this a “15” out of 10. Definitely a money maker! How to make Money Scrapping Furniture?

I enjoyed similar videos about this topic so I thought I’d check this one out. Wow, right away I like this guy. But my alarm went off so I have to wrap this up for today and start this video at my next day. This really looks good folks so I definitely will come back to it. Be sure to read my next journal day so you’ll see my rating on it. Rating: ???

As usual, these 30 minutes went fast. Remember that when reading my journal notes that are will not be a lesson on how to be grammatically correct. And your journal notes will be even briefer than mine. You simply want to list the title, YouTube link and maybe rate it one to 5 or 10 so you’ll know which videos you want to revisit in 30 day. You see more of my thoughts as to why in the manual.

So for today’s freebies and/or cool and/or valuable info for my readers, here goes. (Hint: go back and read the other journal posts and claim all of those items!).

In the past I’ve waited to release book titles on a weekly basis such as every Monday. But on some Mondays I’m crazy busy. So I’m just going to send them out sporadically. This makes life more interesting anyway, right?

Most of these books are not written by me but I have full rights to give them away free. That’s right; I give these books away free. People like that. And guess what, I’ll give you the rights to give these books away free too. Your people will like that too. You can download your free book that is shown below and feel free to share it with as many people as you want (as long as you do not change the content in any way). But if you would like to make money giving books away FREE, click on the link that states:

I hope you enjoyed your class today. In your 30 minutes you’ve watched the videos that you were interested in. In my daily journal I’ve listed videos that interested me. If any of them interest you, I invite you to check them out. When you do, please place in the video’s comment section that Ter Scott sent you.

Got questions or comments? Please let me know in the comment area after this post!

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!

Man of 100 Blogs ™ 

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