Ter Scott's Top YouTube "How to Make Money" Picks of the day.

Day 12 YouTube Classroom Course

Well in only 12 days if you are like me, you’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff but also some very good stuff; by “stuff” I mean video content. Every one of these videos is like a “class”; whether or not the authors think of them as this way, because they “present” something. In our 30 days of watching these videos we are discriminating each to gauge the sincerity and honesty of these “teachers” and what they are offering. Some have elaborate graphics which make the videos entertaining and engaging but remember that we’re not necessarily “buying” fancy graphics here. Some of the best “teachers” and the best “opportunities” to make money are presented by people that are just sharing from their heart.

I think I’ve shared the initial steps to start your daily YouTube class enough in earlier chapters so you can read back if you need to or ask me questions in the comment area.

Profitable Small Business Ideas ► How To Make Money

Ask me anything, an interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F06ePJZEmK0
I did a quick skim with this. I will get back and piggyback listening to this while cleaning my email and other computer tasks because I think there is some good stuff here. What I heard so far is confirmation, that from my own past experiences I know a few things and can offer good advice to people. From the title I was thinking that it would be about offering advice and getting paid by having people “ask me anything”.  LISTEN DURING EMAIL AND COMPUTER TASKS. Next…

By the end of this video you’ll know how to make money, you’ll know exactly what I do… This got my attention. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIu1F9Md3zk I like this guy, smart, doesn’t use profanity and seems very genuine! I give this a 5+ and will get back to this. OK, I’ll make it an 8 out of 5 (again; I’m using the “new” math here). Wow, I wathed the entire video all the way through. I know exactly what this guy is doing and I probably will do this.

Make Money Online With No Website Using Pay Per Click

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYVTcpIXi_4 Using PPC and Affiliate marketing. I’m absolutely loving this video. This is something anyone can do and make money fast! This is definitely a “10” and I will be back!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAaRodgstwM How to Make $2000 Per Month With Adfly

 Watching this has me interested in Adfly.com. I’ll check it out and share it. 5+

Easiest Way To Make Money - $326 a Day Online Without a Website! (WATCH THIS)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5-bLnYz_SM This guy definitely is reading from a cue prompter which is fine because he is genuine but he is not sharing anything here; only to get you to sign up. I’m thinking that his system is probably legit but pretty “simple” if he cannot divulge any “tips” here to get someone more interested. If he has some sort of “guarantee” before putting your money down, I may consider seeing what he has. I will come back and check it out. 3+++ rating.

As I continue my browsing, I come across a couple of videos that require me to log in because they contain adult content. Really? Why create a video like this which requires viewers to take additional steps to watch it? NEXT!

How To Make Money On Facebook 2016 - Advanced Marketing Online Tutorial

Wow, I like how this person is “highlighting” someone else in his video! This is a great “seminar” type video filled with tons of great content and methods to use to make money. 5+ also he offers some interesting looking links at the bottom of this video. (Remember that as students in this course, I’m not to click on any additional links which would take me off the main path of “general” studies in our main search, “how to make money” so I’ll wait until after Day 30). He likes the word “sh*tty” and uses it a lot but I will return to watch this, his other videos and probably check out his links.

The alarm went off so I must move on to the rest of my day’s duties.
Hope you like this. If you have comments or questions leave them below. If you have’n’t enrolled in this free YouTube Video Classroom “How to Make Money” Course, do so; it’s FREE here: http://yourbizoppsonline.blogspot.com/2015/11/my-how-to-make-money-online-youtube.html

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant

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Note; the link below is "good" for the year "2016".

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