Tell us your story to win...

Tell me your story and 
win FREE ATTENDANCE  to the best income producing seminar you’ll probably attend in 2016!!!


I want you to meet someone who was making 6 figures per year in sales for a company. You can imagine what kind of bills one would have for the size of house and everything one has when they have a 6 figure income, right? Well he made the money but he wasn’t able to control the source which was his job. The business downsized, he was “let go”. He had to do something fast or he was going to be crushed under the weight and stress of the bills. He never even gave real estate investing a thought until… I want Scott to share his story in his own words. I’ll give you a link in a moment. 

Everyone has a story. What’s yours? I want to hear your story.

My friend Scott Rowe (from the video above) is teaching “How to Make Money in Real Estate Investing without Quitting Your Job” and I have the privilege to invite a few guests for the entire morning and it will be on our dime! 

  • If you’ve never been in real estate investing, or just seeking “a way” to find a way to make additional income and change your life; you should be there. 
  • If you’ve been a real estate investor for years you should not only be there but you need to take one or two of your partners or friends with you!
Obviously we can't pay the way for everyone. I want to know that you are going to “appreciate” this gift because if you don’t, I need to give this to someone else. Similarly if you don’t like football, I wouldn’t want to “waste” a free Super Bowl ticket on you, is that fair?

HERE’S HOW TO “WIN” YOUR FREE PASS TO THE SEMINAR by Multi-Millionaire Scott Rowe at Raleigh, Seattle, or Tucson:

To be considered for a free pass to this incredible “Real Estate Investing for 2016” morning seminar (no pressure AT ALL and NO SELLING*), complete my general response form CLICK HERE. In the text area “Tell me your story” on why you should get this free ticket and not someone else. Tell me what City and date of the seminar you want to attend. I will review your story and see if I still have tickets for that seminar and will get back to you.

DON’T WAIT. I only have so many tickets and when they are gone, they are gone.
JAN 16TH Raleigh NC  … JAN 23rd Seattle WA  … JAN 30th Tucson AZ

*I will be totally upfront and honest with you because when you decide to partner with me and the team, you’ll look back at this moment and I want you to be totally pleased with how we conduct business. The morning is all information; packed with life changing material that will make you a better person in whatever direction or work you’ll do in your life and, real estate investing facts. Then you’ll have a break for lunch. IF, you like what you hear in the morning, come back and get your questions answered and at that time there are about 10 or 12 options for you to start making money as soon as the very next week. It’s your choice to return and get that information or not and have a great lunch and enjoy the rest of your day. Either way, you’ll have the great information and thoughts in your mind from the morning which can only improve your life from then on.

“Empty the coins of your purse into your mind and your mind will empty coins into your purse”. Ben Franklin. 

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