Take a 30 day YouTube Adventure with Ter Scott!

The “Real” Day 10 Class day.

After yesterday’s review of my previous 9 days I’m more excited to get started today and see what videos I’ll find and to continue my 30 days of YouTube Classroom Training on the subject: “How to Make Money”. If you want to be a part of the classroom attendance (you can join anytime because it’s self-paced and self study; your adventure will develop and be totally your direction; oh, and BTW, it’s free!) Just go to: http://yourbizoppsonline.blogspot.com/2015/11/my-how-to-make-money-online-youtube.html.

So if you are with me, let’s set the online alarm clock (I like:   http://onlineclock.net/) and open YouTube site: https://www.youtube.com/), type in the search phrase: how to make money, and scroll through previously viewed videos clicking next until we find a new video and here we go with today’s video…

https://youtu.be/aZGj6YCsnEQ How to Make Money-$200- Just For your Knowledge- Real training call- Real Retaining wall Problem

815 views in 23 hours; not bad. I already saw a similar video by this guy and it is well produced and well done all around. I will come back to this video again and watch it several times; not because I’m in the landscaping business but folks, one reason why you are watching these videos is to learn things that you can you in your own businesses. For instance, from his first video I was reminded that I could certainly do the same with my business ventures both on and offline. So when I promoted a great online product recently, I charged my clients $50 to get a link to a business opportunity as a finder’s fee for my research and “being in the know”. People gladly pay me the small sum to find out something that would have taken them time and money to find and possibly would never find on their own. It really is a great system; it’s how you’ll make money giving away FREE books. Just being involved in the guy’s system has given me other ideas and ways to promote other things; it’s worth the $47 monthly fee.

If this sounds interesting, visit my article: http://yourbizoppsonline.blogspot.com/2015/12/make-money-while-you-sleep-by-giving.html and if you want the “goods” (the link to the guy’s 40 minute video) you’ll pay a finder’s fee of $50 and a monthly $47 to the guy who owns the system. (If you are a student here, I would strongly suggest that you add this to your opportunities to visit after classroom day 30).

9 Tips - How To Make Money On YouTube 21 hours ago 419 views, https://youtu.be/oYIDbHUxV0Y This is a 30 minute video and I skimmed it to see that it is worth my time to watch it in it’s entirety. I will take note of this link and watch/listen sometime while I’m cleaning my email box or washing dishes (yes, I still hand wash my dishes). 5 rating.

I saw this next one and thought, I really don’t want to make money with a cactus farm and what is a “faction”? Well that’s why I looked. I’m learning… so what is a faction…. How to Make Money in Factions! AFK Machines and Cactus Farms!

Oh great… I opened it and found out it is a game. Hey guys, let us know that this is a “game” video at the outset. Note that my search phrase is not: how to make “play” money.

Moving on…

How To Make Money with INBOX DOLLARS! (This video started out with a paid ad: uber; which is a great way to make money too). Rewards website… https://youtu.be/h74lb7DtKfE I’m just not sure if this is too time consuming. I’m thinking that anything can be done quickly when you come up with a “system”.

How to Make Money Dropshipping on Amazon - EARN $250 PER HOUR! https://youtu.be/81cOOVDgfM8

This video is the real deal and offers good content that people can use immediately. I will definitely come back to this video. Learned about SaleHoo. This is a video that is worth people’s time to watch because it actually offers content you can actually use. Thank you! Rating 10 out of 5 (you don’t have to be great at percentages to be successful online).

Well, the alarm just went off so I’m wrapping up another “day” of class. Aren’t these short class days great? Of course I planned it that way. I want you to be “hungry” for your next day’s training and not bored. I want you to be eager to move through all 30 days so you can review the videos that you found that you like and that you want to move forward with.

Enjoy your day and we’ll meet here on Day 11.

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