Here's 5 FREE tools to help you succeed making money on the Internet

Hello. My name is Ter Scott, known as the “Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant” ™ and the “Man of 100 Blogs”; that’s enough about me. The rest of this is about you, the Internet and putting you and the Internet together to make money, lots of money.

I have to put a disclaimer here.

Everyone who makes (real) money and actually takes the time to tell others about it, has to state upfront something like “this is not typical of everyone, results will vary, etc.” To that I have to say “duh”. If you are past the age of 10 and you need a government “warning” telling you that it is unsafe to stand on the highest step of a ladder, or that you actually need to put effort into anything to make something work or profitable (like creating income on the Internet) then please go back to watching other people’s fake lives from your big screen TV.  However, if you are still with me after my little rant, please read on.

There are probably millions of ways to make money by using the Internet. Most are probably wrong, and not efficient and simply not worth your time. But there are many, many good and profitable ways. Also there are many tools and apps available to use and more are made available each day. I’m only one guy but I will share what I find with you as I am doing my everyday routines in making Internet money. The best part is that most of these are FREE!

There are also money making programs available and again, many are launched every day. Many of these programs are either FREE or very low cost to start. And the income is exponentially greater plus you can also set it up on autopilot so you can just check in once in a while to be sure that you are getting your checks entered correctly into your bank account.

So here’s my point. I started this by telling you who I am and that I wanted to assist in putting you and the Internet together and making money (like I and so many others do; day in and day out regardless if we are sleeping or vacationing. What’s “work”?).

So what will you pay me to introduce you and the Internet? ANSWER: Nothing. First I know that you obviously know “about” the Internet and you probably are even making money in some way; big or small. But would you agree that perhaps you don’t know “everything” about the Internet?

I will share tools, news and views, techniques, offers, programs and more as I find them and share them with you on a regular basis via my INTERNET CASH, Ter’s Tips & Tools; an email newsletter at no cost to you. (I will definitely charge for this in the near future).

Why am I doing this at no cost for you today?

Anyone who is successful will tell you something similar to what I learned from Zig Ziglar: “Help enough other people get what they want and you’ll get what you want”. I live by that philosophy. And as an instructor most of my life, I know that the teacher always seems to get more than the student; probably because they do all the research etc. So if I get more than you by giving this to you, then call me selfish, but at least take me up on it; at least as I already said, while it is F-R-E-E!

And I will tell you here, right up front so you can’t come yelling at me later, I will offer you a few things from time to time that will give me a commission. You don’t have to buy them!!! But when I find something that is really great and can assist you in making your life or Internet money making quest better, easier and more enjoyable; oh yeah, you better believe that I’ll spill the beans! And I’ll do it before a lot of others do so if there is such a thing as a “ground floor” opportunity you can get in on the launch before a lot of others do.

There’s a lot of complicated things on the Internet; programs, systems and products that sure, you can make money with but who wants all the hassle of taking the time to learn them etc. etc. when there are things that are just as great in making income that take less time to learn, do and put on autopilot (automation) so you also have the freedom to do what you want, with who you want and when you want! Those are the things that I share with you.

Here’s the other thing, I don’t inundate you with emails daily or even weekly. Sometimes you might get an email from me once a week for a while then maybe only once a month; it all depends on if something important comes along that you need to know about. If you want more frequent visits with yours truly, go to a few of my 100 blogs that share this topic (I’ll let you know about them in future newsletters). I practice what I preach; I’m out doing the things I want, with who I want and when I want! Sorry; I’m talking about me again and this is all meant to be about you (and your success in making money with the Internet).

Because it might be a while before you get the next issue of INTERNET CASH, Ter’s Tips & Tools in your email box, when you request your subscription, I’m going to immediately reply with 5 tools that I use on a daily basis in assist me in my daily living (which is tied to the Internet) and I’ll show you where you can get yours entirely free by going to the specific websites. With the list and web addresses I’ll discuss a few ways how I use the tool and I will certainly expound on each in subsequent issues.

Tool #1 is my favorite and I use it many times a day. It’s a type of “screenshot” capture software but so much more.

Tool #2 is something I learned about from a millionaire real estate investor friend who uses this when making his videos. It makes him look like he knows what he’s talking about without “flubs” in his talking. Credibility is important when creating videos. You may not be making videos just now for YouTube and other places yet (we’ll discuss that later!) so I’ll offer 3 more.

Tool #3. You may already be using this but probably not. Many of the things I know and the tools I use become so much of a habit with me that I think everyone has the tool and knows what I know. This is what I think is the best registry cleaning tool available today and yes it’s FREE and yes; you are most likely using it wrong if you are using it.

Tool #4. This is another tool I learned about from my millionaire real estate investor friend. It’s an app for your phone that will keep you organized. I don’t use this one enough.

Tool #5 is so simple and you don’t even download it. You open the web page and turn it on. It helps to keep you on “task” and accomplish more than most others when they are online.

You can use these 5 tools immediately. I will give you tips on how to use them effectively in future email newsletter issues.

For those readers who think you will just get these 5 tools and then that’s it, NO! That’s the whole point of our time together today. When I find more cool stuff on the web, you will be the first to know!!!

Here’s how “up to the minute” I am about getting you started in getting these 5 tools and get you on the list for the next issue of INTERNET CASH, Ter’s Tools & Tips. Are you ready for this?

I don’t have a fancy webpage to send you to. Fancy, it’s not even a dedicated webpage. If you want these five web tools with my brief description about each, how to use them and get on the subscription list, you just need to go to my “response” page. Complete my general inquire form and I’ll get this back to you. (I and my staff are actual humans so please give us a little time to respond to your request). Just mention that you want the INTERNET CASH with the 5 Web Tools, and my minions will be sure that you get the next issue (whenever it comes to you, again it might be next week and continue weekly or next month and continue just as sporadically depending on whether I have something “internet shattering”)

Thanks for your time reading this and I know you’ll thank yourself for doing so. I look forward to working with you and assisting in your INTERNET CASH success. And BTW, there are surprises (good surprises) that I didn’t have time or room to share here.

Click on the link to request INTERNET CASH, Ter’s Tips & Tools:

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott! 

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